One of the most important ways you can help with bat conservation is by telling us about any bats you see. Whether it’s bats flying around your back garden, local park, or perhaps even a roost in your house – the more information we have about bats and where they are, the better we can protect them.

What Information Do You Need?

At the very least you will need to submit a date, location and the number of bats seen. The location should be a minimum 6 figure grid reference, but you can go up to 10 digits if you are able. 

If you don’t know the grid reference you can get it from Simply enter the postcode, the address or just zoom in on the map, then right click on the location of the bat and copy your grid reference.

Ideally you will be able to tell us the species of bat as well, which has been identified through the use of a bat detector, but don’t worry if you can’t.

Bat Care & Survey Records

If you are a bat carer, or if you carry out a local survey (either through the NBMP or just by walking round your local area with a bat detector) your records are also important to us.
When you submit your records include as much information as possible alongside the standard date and location. We have set up the submission form to ask about reasons why a bat has entered care, and the final outcome, to help you submit your records.

Submitting Records

If you have a record to submit you can use the link below to go to our online form. We encourage you to submit records on a regular basis rather than saving them up till the end of the year, however, if you have a large amount of data to submit, contact us for spreadsheet tempate and we’ll give you instructions on how to submit it that way instead.